Lunes, 06 Noviembre 2017 17:08

Bibliografía Mariana

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En esta sección de la web puedes encontrar la bibliografía que hemos seleccionado para profundizar en la figura de María y, de modo especial, en su colaboración con la obra salvífica y su papel como Corredentora. Si conoces alguna obra interesante que no esté en nuestra bibliografía y, sobre todo, si la tienes en PDF, escríbenos a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. para que la incluyamos en este apartado.

IMG 0205Hemos clasificado los libros y artículos en varios apartados, dentro de los cuales podrás descargar estas obras (si están en formato electrónico), o solicitar el ejemplar impreso para poder leerlo. También podrás añadir tus comentarios cuando hayas leído los escritos. Aquí tienes la clasificación de la Bibliografía:

  1. Mariología General
  2. Dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción de María
  3. Dogma de la Asunción de María al cielo
  4. Explicación de la Corredención
  5. La Corredención y la Biblia
  6. La Corredención y los Santos Padres
  7. La Corredención y los Santos
  8. La Corredención en la historia de la teología  
  9. La Corredención y el Magisterio
  10. Corredención y Ecumenismo
  11. Sobre la posible proclamación dogmática de la Corredención
  12. Corredención, Liturgia y devoción mariana
  13. La Corredención y las revelaciones privadas

El Foro también cuenta con las actas de varios Congresos centrados en María como colaboradora de la Redención. En estos volúmenes hay artículos decisivos sobre la Corredención. A continuación ofrecemos el elenco de los congresos y la mayoría de los títulos de los artículos publicados en cada congreso. Estos artículos no están incluidos en las pestañas de esta sección de Bibliografía, pues no los tenemos en PDF. Para leer alguno de estos artículos hay que solicitar en papel el volumen completo con las actas del congreso en cuestión.


Congresos organizados por la Pontifica Academia Mariana Internacional (PAMI):


Congreso Mariológico Internacional tenido en Roma en 1950, bajo el título Alma Socia Christi (= Alma Socia de Cristo, o Asociada a Cristo). Sus actas se publicaron en 13 volúmenes:

  • Vol. I: Congressus ordo ac summarium (volumen illustratum 448 imaginibus luce expressis, quae oratores et sessiones congressus repraesentant), Romae 1951.
  • Vol. II: De cooperatione B.V. Mariae in acquisitione et distributione gratiarum, Romae 1952.
  • Vol. III: De praedestinatione et regalitate B.V. Mariae, Romae 1952.
  • Vol. IV: Quaestiones mariologicae earumque evolutio hisce ultimis annis, Matriti 1951.
  • Vol. V, fasc. I: De B.V. Maria prioribus Ecclesiae saeculis, Romae 1952.
  • Vol. V, fasc. II: De B.V. Maria penes Ecclesias Orientis, Romae 1952.
  • Vol. VI, fasc. I: De B.V. Maria et Eucharistia, Romae 1952.
  • Vol. VI, fasc. II: De Corde Immaculato B.V. Mariae, Romae 1952.
  • Vol. VII: Summa Mariana Mercedaria, Matriti 1952.
  • Vol. VIII: De singulari missione B.V. Mariae cultuque ei debito iuxta doctrinam S. Ludovici M. De Monfort, Romae 1953.
  • Vol. IX: De cultu B.V. Mariae, Romae 1953.
  • Vol. X: De assumptione B. Virginis Mariae, Romae 1953.
  • Vol. XI: De mariologia in genere nonnullisque privilegiis ac muneribus Almae Sociae Christi, Romae 1953.
  • Vol. XII: Acroases in Congressu Mariano necnon in sectione particulari Universitatis «Pro Deo» habitae, Romae 1953.
  • Vol. XIII: Indices duodecim voluminum, Romae 1958.


Congreso Mariológico Internacional tenido en Czestochowa en 1996, bajo el título Maria, Mater Domini in mysterio salutis, quod ab Orientis et Occidentis Ecclesiis in Spiritu Sancto Hodie celebratur (= María, Madre del Señor en misterio de la salvación, lo que desde las Iglesias de Oriente y Occidente hoy se celebra en el Espíritu Santo). Sus actas se publicaron en 5 volúmenes:

  • Vol. I. Studia in sessionibus plenariis exhibita (Città del Vaticano 1999).
  • Vol. II: Sectio anglico-americana et germanica (Città del Vaticano 2000).
  • Vol. III: Sectio gallica et italica (Città del Vaticano 1999).
  • Vol. IV: Sectio hispanica, latino-americana et lusitana (Città del Vaticano 1999).
  • Vol. V: Sectio Croatica et Polonica (Città del Vaticano 2000) € 25.


Congreso Mariológico Internacional tenido en Roma en 2000, bajo el título De Trinitatis Mysterio et Maria (= Sobre el Misterio de la Trinidad y María). Sus actas se publicaron en 2 volúmenes:


Congreso Mariológico Internacional tenido en Lourdes en 2008, bajo el título Apparitiones B. M. Virginis in historia, fide, theologia (= Apariciones de la Bienaventurada Virgen María en la historia, la fe y la teología). Sus actas se publicaron en un volumen:


Congreso Mariológico Internacional tenido en Roma en 2012, bajo el título Mariologia a tempore Concilii Vaticani II: Receptio, ratio et prospectu (= Mariología en el tiempo del Concilio Vaticano II: recepción, medida y perspectiva). Sus actas se publicaron en un volumen:


Congresos organizados y publicados por los Franciscanos de la Inmaculada:

Academy Logo4a

Mary at the Foot of the Cross I. Millennium with Mary. Acts of the International Symposium on Marian Coredemption, Ratcliffe College (NR. Leicester), Fosse Way, England. 21-26 February 2000 (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA, 2001) *:

  • The Mystery of Coredemption in the Message of Fatima by Bishop Paulo Hnilica, SJ
  • Our Lady''s Dowry - England's Ancient''s Boast by Fr. Martin Edwards
  • The Knowledge of Mary and the Sacrifice of Jesus by Fr. Bertrand de Margerie, SJ
  • The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and Its Foundation in Her Role as Coredemptrix by Fr. Jason A. Jones
  • The Holy Spirit and Coredemptrix by Fr. Alessandro Apollonio, FI
  • Our Lady''s Coredemption and Mediation in Relation to the Holy Trinity by Dr. Mark Miravalle
  • The Sense of Marian Coredemption in St. Bonaventure and Bl. John Duns Scotus by Fr. Peter Damien Fehlner, FI
  • The Tending of God''s Garden: The Coredemption and the Culture of Life by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger, FI
  • Our Lady Coredemptrix, Pope John Paul II and the Coversion of Russia by Fr. James Kelleher, SOLT
  • Mary Coredemptrix in the Writings of Frederick William Faber by Msgr. Arthur Calkins
  • Our Lady and Women in the Millenium by Mrs. Josephine Robinson
  • Von Balthasar and the Coredemption by Fr. Aidan Nichols, OP
  • Marian Coredemption and Hagiography of the 20th Century by Fr. Stefano Manelli, FI
  • Marian Coredemption in St. Veronica Guiliani by Mother Maria Francesca Perillo, FI
  • Christ the One Mediator and Mary Coredemptrix by Fr. Edwin Gordon


Mary at the Foot of the Cross II. Marian Coredemption. Acts of the Second International Symposium on Marian Coredemption, Ratcliffe College (NR. Leicester), Fosse Way, England. 1-7 April 2001 (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA, 2002) *:

  • Pope John Paul II''s Ordinary Magisterium on Marian Coredemption by Msgr. Arthur Burton Calkins
  • The Coredemption of Mary: Doctrine of the Church by Msgr. Brunero Gherardini
  • The Coredemption and the Missal by Fr. Martin Edwards
  • A Marian Theology of the Priesthood by Fr. Andrew Wadsworth
  • Marian Coredemption in the Light of Christian Philosophy by Fr. Joaquin Ferrer Arellano
  • The Marian Coredemption and the Spiritual Life by Fr. Maximilian Dean


Mary at the Foot of the Cross III. Maria, Mater Unitatis. Acts of the Third International Symposium on Marian Coredemption, Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse Bath, Somerset, England. 20-26 August 2002 (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA, 2003) *:

  • Unity and Coredemption by Msgr. Brunero Gherardini
  • Mary, Helpmate of the Redeemer- Mary''s Cooperation in Salvation as a Research Theme by Dr. Manfred Hauke
  • Marian Coredemption and Sacramental Mediation by Fr. Joaquin Ferrer Arellano
  • Marian Mediation as Presence and Transubstantiation by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger, FI
  • The Enclosed Garden by Fr. Carlos Biestro
  • Maria Reparatrix: Tradition Magisterium, Liturgy by Msgr. Arthur Burton Calkins
  • The Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God and the Doctrine of Mary as Coredemptrix in Eastern Orthodoxy by James Likoudis
  • Mary Coredemptress: Mother of Unity- A probing glance at the hidden face of Vatican Council II by Fr. Alessandro M. Apollonio, FI
  • In Continued Dialogue with the Czestochowa Commission by Dr. Mark Miravalle
  • Coredemption and Unity: Obstacles and Opportunities by Fr. Michael Clothier, OSB
  • Marian Coredemption and the Liturgical Year by Fr. Martin Edwards
  • Breathing with Both Lungs: Some Reflections on Prayer to Mary from the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Tradition by Fr. Francis Marsden Mary
  • Star of the New Evangelization and the Doctrine of Coredemption by Msgr. Keith Barltrop
  • Fr. Antonio Rosmini-Serbati and Our Lady by Fr. Matthew Corcovan, IC
  • Mary''s Cooperation in the Work of Salvation according to G. M. Roschini by by Fr. Pietro Parrota, PAM
  • Ven. Gabriel Mary Allegra - Contemplating the Compassion of Mary by Fr. Bertrand de Margerie, SJ
  • Bl. Maria Gabriella Saghedu and the Mother of Unity by Mother Francesca Perillo, FI
  • The Mystery of Mary Coredemptrix in Sr. Lucia of Fatima''s ''Calls from the Message of Fatima'' by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI


Mary at the Foot of the Cross IV. Mater Viventium (Gen. 3:20). Acts of the Fourth International Symposium on Marian Coredemption, Emmaus Retreat Centre. West Wickham (South London) Kent, England. 19-25 August 2003 (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA, 2004) *:

  • The Coredemption and Mary''s Universal Maternity by Msgr. Brunero Gherardini
  • Mary "Minister of Grace" in the Magisterium by Msgr. Arthur Calkins
  • The Prophecy of Simeon and the Cooperation of Mary in the Salvific Work of Jesus by Msgr. Brunero Gherardini
  • Historical Highpoints of the Title of Mary Coredemptrix by Dr. Mark Miravalle
  • St. Josemaria Escriva on the Mediation of Mary by Fr. Andrew Byrne
  • The Mystery of Mary Coredemptrix in the writings of Mother Maria Constanza Zauli by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI
  • The Spiritual Maternity of Mary in the Mariale of St. Lawrence of Brindisi by Fr. Rosario M. Sommarco, FI
  • Mary''s Coredemption according to Francisco Suarez, SJ by Dr. Robert Fastiggi
  • An Inadequate Understanding of Original Sin as Source of Eastern Orthodox Objections to the Immaculate Conception by Prof. James Likuodis
  • The Spiritual Maternity if Mary in G.M. Roschini. The Post-conciliar Period by Fr. Pietro Parrotta, PAM
  • The Universal Mediation of Mary according to Cardinal Mercier by Rev. Dr. Manfred Hauke

Manfred Hauke, Mary, Mediatress of Grace. Mary's Universal Mediation of Grace in the Theological and Pastoral Works of Cardinal Mercier. Mary at the Foot of the Cross IV: Supplement (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA, 2004):

  • Position Paper of Bl. Dom Columba Marmion for the Diocesan Commission of Cardinal Mercier, 10 December, 1922 (Original Latin Text)
  • The Observation of Reginald Garrigou-Langrange within the Roman Commission Established by Pope Pius XI, February 1925 (Original Latin Text)


Mary at the Foot of the Cross V. Redemption and Coredemption under the Sign of the Immaculate Conception. Acts of the Fifth International Symposium on Marian Coredemption, Worth Abbey School, Sussex, England. 21-24 July 2004 (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA, 2005) *:

  • Mary and the Church in the Papal Magisterium before and after the Second Vatican Council, by Calkins
  • “Francis, Go and Repair my Church”, by Stefano M. Manelli
  • Immaculate Coredemptrix because Spouse of the Holy Spirit, by Etienne Richer
  • The Franciscan School and Marian Coredemption in the Church and for the Church, by Francesca Perillo
  • Mariology of St. Paul, by Ferrer Arellano
  • The Coredemptrix and the Church in Revelation 12, by Settimio M. Manelli
  • Co-Redeemers in Christ: the Church as Type of Mary Co-Redemptrix, by Mark Miravalle
  • The Knight and His Lady: the Church Militant and the Bride of Christ, by Angelo M. Geiger
  • Cooperation of Mary in the Redemption – Marian and Ecclesial Justification: Mutually Exclusive?, by Serafino Lanzetta
  • The Coredemptrix and the Church in Angelo Volpi, by Alessandro Apollonio
  • Mary and the Church in Newman with an Eye to Coredemption, by Edward Ondrako
  • Mary Coredemptrix and the Church in the Work Maria nel Consiglio dell’Eterno, by Fr. Louis Colini of Castelplanio (1839-1874), Friar Minor Observant, by Paolo Siano
  • The Contribution of Fr. Leonardo Maria Bello to Mariology, by Stefano Cecchin


Mary at the Foot of the Cross VI. Marian Coredemption in the Eucharistic Mistery. Acts of the Sixth International Symposium on Marian Coredemption (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA) **:

  • Mary's Presence in the Mass according to Pope John Paul II by Msgr. Arthur Calkins
  • The Triple and Inseparable Mediation of the Immaculate, the Eucharist and the Petrine Ministry in the Building Up of the Church Until the Parousia by Don Joaquin Ferrer Arellano
  • Mary and the Eucharist in the Syrian Fathers by Dom Cutbert Brogan, OSB
  • Ideas of Marian Coredemption and Mediation in Dante''s Divine Comedy by Fr. Andrew Wadsworth
  • The Mariology of Gregory Palamas by Prof. James Likoudis
  • Mary and the Eucharist in St. John Fisher by Fr. Charles Mangan
  • The Coredemptrix and the Eucharist in St. John of the Cross by Fr. Enrique Llamas, OCD
  • Mary Coredemptrix and the Eucharist in the Mystical Experience of St. Veronica Guiliani by Mother Maria Francesca Perillo, FI
  • Mary and the Eucharist in St. Louis de Montfort by Dr. Robert Fastiggi
  • Marian Coredemption and the Mystery of the Eucharist by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI
  • Coredemption and Cosmology by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
  • The Eucharist and Marian Cooperation According to Gabriele Maria Roschini by Fr. Pietro Parrotta, PAM
  • Mary Coredemptrix, the Model of Liturgical Participation by Fr. Timothy Finnigan


Mary at the Foot of the Cross VII. Coredemptrix, therefore, Mediatrix of all Graces. Acts of the Seventh International Symposium on Marian Coredemption (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA) **:

  • Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces in the Papal Magisterium of Pope John Paul II by Msgr. Arthur Burton Calkins
  • Mary Mediatrix of All Graces in the Papal Magisterium up to the Pontificate of Paul VI by Fr. Paolo M. Siano, FI
  • A Pre-Vatican II Theology of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces by Gloria Falcao Dodd
  • Mary, Mediatrix: Exemplar for the Contemporary World by Sr. M. Timothy Prokes, FSE
  • St. Joseph and Soteriology by Fr. Joachin Ferrer Arellano
  • St. Bernardine of Siena and Marian mediation by Rev. Fr. James Mercer
  • Mary Coredemptrix in the Spanish Mariology of the 17th Century: Francisco Hurtado, OFM By Fr. Enrique Llmas, OCD
  • The Coredemption and Maternal Mediation of the Immaculate “Reparatrix of the Human Race” according to Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort by Fr. Etienne Richer
  • Marian Coredemption in the Ecclesiology of Cardinal Charles Journet by Msgr. Antonio Livi
  • The Theological Vision of the Universal Mediation of Mary in G. M. Roschini by Fr. Pietro Parrotta, PAM
  • Pueblo Amante de Maria:Mary’s Mediation and Filipino Marian Devotion by Fr. Reynaldo Adaled, OP
  • Marian Mediation and Coredemption in the Message of Fatima by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI
  • The Mediation of the Blessed Virgin Maryin the lives of Bl. Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima by Sr. Maria Gabriella Iannelli, FI
  • Marian Mediation in the Writings of Venerable Mother Speranza of Jesus by Sr. M. Grazia Palma
  • The Liturgy of Flowers in a Mary Garden by Andrea Oliva Florendo


Mary at the Foot of the Cross VIII. Coredemption as Key to a Correct Understanding of Redemption. Acts of the Eighth International Symposium on Marian Coredemption (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA) **:

  • The Relation of Coredemption to the Concept of Redemption in the Magisterium by Msgr. Arthur Burton Calkins
  • Koinonia and Coredemption in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians by Kenneth J. Howell
  • The Concept of Redemption in the Patristic Tradition by Manfred Hauke
  • The Concept of Redemption in the Franciscan-Scotistic School: Salvation, Redemption, and the Primacy of Christ by Fr. Alessandro M. Apollonio, FI, and Fr. Peter Damian M. Fehlner, FI
  • The Singular Participation of Mary Immaculate in the Merits of Christ, Her Son and Redeemer, According to Scotus: Continued Reflections on a Theological Breakthrough byTimothy B. Noone, Catholic University of America
  • Marian Coredemption and the “Analogia Fidei” by Msgr. Brunero Gherardini
  • The Concept of Redemption and Co-redemption During the “Golden Age” of Spanish Theology and Mariology by Fr. Enrique Llamas, OCD
  • Reclaiming England for Our Lady: The Concept of Redemption in the Caroline Divines and in the Anglo-Catholic Theologians by Dr. Judith Marie Gentle
  • Mystery of Iniquity and Mystery of Godliness. Two Modern Sophisms: Redemption Without Justice and the Immaculate Conception Without Reference to Original Sin by Don Joaquín Ferrer Arellano
  • Marian Coredemption and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by Christopher J. Malloy, Associate Professor of Theology - University of Dallas
  • Redemption and Coredemption in Relation to the “Fatima- Event” by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI
  • The concept of redemption in the mystical experience of Saint Gemma Galgani, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, and Saint Faustina Kowalska by Sr. M. Gabriella Iannelli, FI
  • Concluding Observations on the Eighth Symposium by Fr. Peter M. Fehlner, FI


Mary at the Foot of the Cross IX. Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Coredemptrix and Mother of the Church. Acts of the Ninth International Symposium on Marian Coredemption (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, MA) **:

  • Mary and the Church in the Papal Magisterium Before and After the Second Vatican Council by Msgr. Arthur Burton Calkins
  • “Francis, Go and Repair My Church” by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI
  • Immaculate Coredemptrix Because Spouse of the Holy Spirit by Fr. Etienne Richer
  • The Franciscan School and Marian Coredemption in the Church and for the Church by Sr. M. Francesca Perillo, FI
  • Mariology of St. Paul by Don Joaquín Ferrer Arellano
  • The Coredemptrix and the Church in Revelation 12 by Fr. Settimio M. Manelli, FI
  • Co-Redeemers in Christ: the Church as Type of Mary Co-Redemptrix by Dr. Mark Miravalle
  • The Knight and His Lady: the Church Militant and the Bride of Christ by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger, FI
  • Cooperation of Mary in the Redemption – Marian and Ecclesial Justification: Mutually Exclusive? by Fr. Serafino M. Lanzetta, FI
  • The Coredemptrix and the Church in Angelo Volpi by Fr. Alessandro M. Apollonio, FI
  • Mary and the Church in Newman with an Eye to Coredemption by Fr. Edward Ondrako, OFMConv
  • Mary Coredemptrix and the Church in the Work Maria nel Consiglio dell’ Eterno by Fr. Louis Colini of Castelplanio (1839 – 1874), Friar Minor Observant by Fr. Paolo M. Siano, FI
  • The Contribution of Fr. Leonardo Maria Bello to Mariology by Fr. Stefano Maria Cecchin, OFM 
Visto 11415 veces Modificado por última vez en Viernes, 17 Septiembre 2021 12:39

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